Bobbers Cross :: Sat. Oct. 25

I let Flip chase Cara for a short section of her race.  A good day as always!

Coralville Trails Work :: Sun. Oct. 26

I helped out toward finishing up a couple of the bridges at the Coralville trails.

Halloween :: Fri. Oct. 31

Cara went as a documentary film maker, I went as a little free library.


Oyster Tailgate :: Sat. Nov. 1

Geoff hosted the annual oyster tailgate at Jean’s tailgate on his birthday no less.  The event attracted a nice bike pile.

Coralville Trail Ride :: Sun. Nov 2

Had a nice ride with Diane at the Coralville trails.  Big nod to the crew of guys out there finishing up the bridges from last week, and mowing the trails to get them set up for the season!


Plus I built a basement ski waxing / work bench.
